Space-separated query words: ?One main thing: this is not a full-text word search. It is based on the principle of distributional semantics: having a query vector compiled from the query words, we use cosine distance to find the nearest texts in a bilingual vector space — this is how we search for papers that are close seamantically, regardless of the language and the presence of specific words. If you want to find papers that contain specific words in the title, use the metadata search below.

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Years (since-till):

Paper author: ?In Latin script! You can use metasymbols * (to match 0 or more characters) and ? (to match 1 character)

Affiliation: ?In Latin script! You can use metasymbols * (to match 0 or more characters) and ? (to match 1 character)

Paper title: ?You can use metasymbols * (to match 0 or more characters) and ? (to match 1 character) to find titles with specific words

Number of results:

What we found for you:

Paper title Paper author Affiliation Conference Year Similarity Tasks
A Study Of Machine Learning Algorithms Applied To Gis Queries Spelling Correction url annotation Fomin V. V.
Bondarenko I. Yu.
2GIS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Dialogue 2018 0.572
Show tasks (experimental!) Морфологический анализ
Построение конкордансов
Автоматическое реферирование
Spellrueval: The First Competition On Automatic Spelling Correction For Russian url annotation Baytin A. V.
Galinskaja I. E.
Shavrina T. O.
Sorokin A. A.
Rykunova E. D.
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
General Internet Corpora of Russian, Moscow, Russia
Yandex, Moscow, Russia
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia
Dialogue 2016 0.566
Show tasks (experimental!) Морфологический анализ
Построение конкордансов
Автоматическое реферирование
Роль Пунктуации В Разрешении Неоднозначности url annotation Iomdin B. L.
Berdichevskij A.
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
V. V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
Dialogue 2007 0.563
Show tasks (experimental!) Построение конкордансов
Морфологический анализ
Проверка правописания
The Beginning Of A Beautiful Friendship: Rule-Based And Statistical Analysis Of Middle Russian url annotation Gavrilova T.
Eckhoff H.
Berdichevskij A.
University of Tromso, Norway
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Dialogue 2016 0.561
Show tasks (experimental!) Морфологический анализ
Построение конкордансов
Автоматическое реферирование
Automatic Update Of The Named Entities Database Based On The Users Queries url annotation Kudinov M. S.
Piontkovskaja I. I.
Samsung R&D Institute Russia
Dialogue 2015 0.560
Show tasks (experimental!) Построение конкордансов
Морфологический анализ
Дистрибутивная семантика
Синтаксический Анализ Текста С Орфографическими Ошибками В Системе Dictascope Syntax url annotation Okatev V. V.
Titova S. A.
Erehinskaja T. N.
Dictum Ltd, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Dialogue 2011 0.559
Show tasks (experimental!) Морфологический анализ
Построение конкордансов
Дистрибутивная семантика
Автоматическое Исправление Опечаток В Поисковых Запросах Без Учета Контекста url annotation Bajtin A. V.
Galinskaja I. E.
Panina M. F.
Yandex, Moscow, Russia
Dialogue 2013 0.558
Show tasks (experimental!) Построение конкордансов
Морфологический анализ
Автоматическое реферирование
<Strike>Я Этого Не Говорил</Strike>: О Литуративах, Зачеркиваниях Или Мнимых Текстах url annotation Zanegina N. N.
V. V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
Dialogue 2009 0.558
Show tasks (experimental!) Построение конкордансов
Морфологический анализ
Проверка правописания
Correcting Collocation Errors In Learners’ Writing Based On Probability Of Syntactic Links url annotation Bolshakova E. I.
Azimov A. E.
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Dialogue 2013 0.558
Show tasks (experimental!) Построение конкордансов
Морфологический анализ
Дистрибутивная семантика
“Разговоры” С Техникой url annotation Zanadvorova A.
V. V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
Dialogue 2000 0.558
Show tasks (experimental!) Построение конкордансов
Морфологический анализ
Проверка правописания

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