Space-separated query words: ?One main thing: this is not a full-text word search. It is based on the principle of distributional semantics: having a query vector compiled from the query words, we use cosine distance to find the nearest texts in a bilingual vector space — this is how we search for papers that are close seamantically, regardless of the language and the presence of specific words. If you want to find papers that contain specific words in the title, use the metadata search below.

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Paper author: ?In Latin script! You can use metasymbols * (to match 0 or more characters) and ? (to match 1 character)

Affiliation: ?In Latin script! You can use metasymbols * (to match 0 or more characters) and ? (to match 1 character)

Paper title: ?You can use metasymbols * (to match 0 or more characters) and ? (to match 1 character) to find titles with specific words

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Papers by: Maksimov Alexey

Paper title Paper author Affiliation Conference Year Tasks
Measuring Influencers In Twitter Ad-Hoc Discussions: Active Users Vs. Internal Networks In The Discourse On Biryuliovo Bashings In 2013 url annotation Bodrunova S. S.
Maksimov Alexey
Blekanov I. S.
Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
AINL 2016
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