Space-separated query words: ?One main thing: this is not a full-text word search. It is based on the principle of distributional semantics: having a query vector compiled from the query words, we use cosine distance to find the nearest texts in a bilingual vector space — this is how we search for papers that are close seamantically, regardless of the language and the presence of specific words. If you want to find papers that contain specific words in the title, use the metadata search below.

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Years (since-till):

Paper author: ?In Latin script! You can use metasymbols * (to match 0 or more characters) and ? (to match 1 character)

Affiliation: ?In Latin script! You can use metasymbols * (to match 0 or more characters) and ? (to match 1 character)

Paper title: ?You can use metasymbols * (to match 0 or more characters) and ? (to match 1 character) to find titles with specific words

Number of results:

Papers with the affiliation: University of Helsinki, Finland

Paper title Paper author Affiliation Conference Year Tasks
Evaluation Tracks On Plagiarism Detection Algorithms For The Russian Language url annotation Kutuzov A. B.
Ivanova L.
Lyashevskaya O. N.
Smirnov I. V.
Khazov A. V.
Kuznetsova Rita
Kopotev M. V.
V. V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Institute for Systems Analysis FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, Russia
University of Oslo, Norway
University of Helsinki, Finland
Antiplagiat JSC, Moscow, Russia
RUDN University, Moscow, Russia
Dialogue 2017
Show tasks (experimental!) Построение конкордансов
Автоматическое реферирование
Морфологический анализ
Stem Initial Alternation In Russian Third Person Pronouns: Variation In Grammar url annotation Daniel M. A.
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
National Research University Higher School of Economics
University of Helsinki, Finland
Dialogue 2015
Show tasks (experimental!) Морфологический анализ
Построение конкордансов
Дистрибутивная семантика
Разметка Синтаксической Неполноты В Корпусе url annotation Gurin G. B.
Kopotev M. V.
PetrSU, Petrozavodsk, Russia
University of Helsinki, Finland
Dialogue 2007
Show tasks (experimental!) Морфологический анализ
Построение конкордансов
Дистрибутивная семантика
Принципы Синтаксической Разметки Хельсинкского Аннотированного Корпуса Русских Текстов Ханко url annotation Gurin G. B.
Kopotev M. V.
PetrSU, Petrozavodsk, Russia
University of Helsinki, Finland
Dialogue 2006
Show tasks (experimental!) Морфологический анализ
Построение конкордансов
Дистрибутивная семантика
Searching Case Law Judgments By Using Other Judgments As A Query url annotation Hyvonen E.
Sarsa S.
Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
University of Helsinki, Finland
AINL 2020
Show tasks (experimental!) Построение конкордансов
Морфологический анализ
Автоматическое реферирование
Полезные Дополнения К Традиционной Практике Составления Переводных Терминологических Словарей (На Примере Двух Финско-Русских Словарей) url annotation Kudasheva I. O.
Kudashev I. S.
University of Helsinki, Finland
Dialogue 2008
Show tasks (experimental!) Построение конкордансов
Морфологический анализ
Дистрибутивная семантика
A Multi-Task Learning Approach To Text Simplification url annotation Tiedemann J.
Dmitrieva A.
National Research University Higher School of Economics
University of Helsinki, Finland
AIST 2020
Show tasks (experimental!) Автоматическое реферирование
Морфологический анализ
Построение конкордансов
Paraphraser: Russian Paraphrase Corpus And Shared Task url annotation Yagunova Elena
Pronoza Ekaterina
Pronoza Anton
Pivovarova L. M.
Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Science
University of Helsinki, Finland
AINL 2017
Show tasks (experimental!) Построение конкордансов
Морфологический анализ
Автоматическое реферирование
Поиск Ошибок В Корпусе С Помощью Mte-Разметки url annotation Kopotev M. V.
University of Helsinki, Finland
Dialogue 2010
Show tasks (experimental!) Морфологический анализ
Построение конкордансов
Дистрибутивная семантика
Метаязыковой Портрет Модных Слов url annotation Vepreva I. T.
Mustajoki A.
Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
University of Helsinki, Finland
Dialogue 2015
Show tasks (experimental!) Построение конкордансов
Морфологический анализ
Дистрибутивная семантика
Между Сциллой Языкознания И Харибдой Языка: О Русскоязычных Корпусах Текстов url annotation Kopotev M. V.
University of Helsinki, Finland
Dialogue 2005
Show tasks (experimental!) Построение конкордансов
Морфологический анализ
Дистрибутивная семантика

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